National Poetry Day

The 28th September is National Poetry Day. I’ve heard a lot this year of the Poetry Pharmacy of William Sieghart. With the idea that prescribing short, powerful poems can help in all kinds of difficult situations, Sieghart has become a well-known contributor to press, radio and television. He says that poems can help a range of spiritual ailments, from a blue day to a broken heart, and, if well chosen, can provide a calming, refreshing and balancing effect on the mind. Rather like Reflexology, don’t you think?

Similarities Between Reflexology and Poetry

It seems to me that anything that promotes calmness of mind will improve the well-being of the body. Health problems can be linked to stress, which shows itself in many different ways and can have a very negative impact on our physical, mental and emotional well-being.  It is a major contributory factor to illness and disorders such as insomnia, migraines, digestive problems, fatigue among others. Seighart’s anthologies of poetry offer a moment of calmness, and of course, a Reflexology treatment is also a great way to soothe the mind and may help in reducing stress and restoring the body’s natural balance and well-being.

I thought I would have a go at combining the two. Maybe my little ditty about reflexology is not really poetry, but I thought it might make you smile!

Reflexology Poem

More than a massage
Reflexology is bliss
It soothes all your insides
And finds what’s amiss

It balances your body
And calms down your mind
It makes you feel better
And much more aligned

So lie down on the couch
And put your feet there
And when I have finished
You’ll be walking on air.

September 2107

You can discover the deeply relaxing experience of Reflexology for yourself and find natural balance and well-being. It is suitable for almost everyone (read more here). Your mind, body – and feet! – will thank you.